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时间:2024-03-01 14:11  来源:未知  阅读次数: 复制分享 我要评论

  农历新年伊始,喜讯从加拿大林顿学院传来——林顿学子江南Joy同学收到了世界名校多伦多大学的Offer,并连同12000$ 的奖学金,祝贺他!







  Achieving a score of 135 on the Duolingo exam was a significant milestone for me. This score not only represents my passion and effort towards language learning but also reflects my endeavors to enhance my chances of applying to prestigious universities. Through online courses, I experienced the convenience and efficiency brought by modern educational technology.

  Online learning offered me tremendous flexibility and convenience. I was able to choose my study times according to my own schedule, which was crucial for me. This flexible learning approach allowed me to better balance my studies with other activities, ensuring efficient learning.

  Another advantage of online courses was the access to a wealth of resources and materials. I could revisit course videos at any time, deepening my understanding and mastery of difficult concepts. Additionally, the discussion forums and interactive segments on the online platform enabled me to communicate with classmates from diverse backgrounds. This interaction not only enriched my learning experience but also broadened my horizons.

  Studying through online courses also taught me the importance of self-management and self-directed learning. Without a teacher constantly overseeing, I had to create my own study plans, track my progress, and motivate myself. This was greatly beneficial in enhancing my ability to learn independently and solve problems.

  During my preparation for the Duolingo exam, I took advantage of various mock tests and practice questions provided by the online courses to assess my learning outcomes. These practices helped me approach the actual exam with more confidence and composure. I profoundly realized that through online learning, I did not only improve my language skills but also learned how to effectively utilize online resources and improve my self-learning and self-management abilities.

  In summary, the success in the Duolingo exam not only validated my language learning ability but also tested my autonomy and discipline through online learning. I believe this experience will lay a solid foundation for my future studies and life.

  Lynden student : Nan Jiang






  林顿学院拥有强大的师资力量,所有教师都是安省教师协会认证的持牌教师,任课教师也均是执教多年的资深教师,保证了教师的专业性,力求对每一位学生做到因材施教。精致的小班教学更容易关注到每一位学生的特点和个性,为师生创造了一个宽松的课堂环境。Lynden School除了9-12年级的课程之外,也提供大学先修课程(AP)考试、ESL语言课程、SAT课程、托福、雅思和广受欢迎的夏令营,学校注重培养学生们的体育爱好,关注每一位学生的个性化成长。
