Because of Belief, Out of Passion The 8th Cadre Culture Convergency Training of Milkyway in 2023 was Successfully Concluded 要建立一个伟大的企业,必须勇敢去做伟大的梦。勇敢中会包含天赋、能量和奇迹。 ——《将心注入》 To build a great enterprise, you must be brave to create a great dream, and the bravery will contain talent, energy and wonder. ——Pour Your Heart Into It by Howard Schultz
2023年6月16日至6月18日,密尔克卫集团第八期干部入模子文化培训于上海青浦举行。本次干部入模子文化培训由集团演寂书院主办。面临整个经济周期性下行的时刻,密尔克卫集团坚持长期主义,再艰难,也要坚持培训,统一信念,投资未来。 From June 16th to June 18th of 2023, organized by Tiger-silent Academy, the 8th cadre culture convergency training of Milkyway Group was held in Qingpu, Shanghai. Although facing a period of cyclical economic downturn, Milkyway insists on long-termism and holding cultural training as scheduled no matter how hard the road ahead may be, unifying beliefs and investing in the future. 本次培训安排了强大的讲师和辅导员阵容,包括董事长陈银河,副总裁丁慧亚、华毅、缪蕾敏、彭赛、刘卓嵘,总裁助理贾健、周莹,事业部总经理祁霞、石旭、王敏及HRBP团队。 A strong group of lecturers and tutors was arranged for the training, including Chairman Andy Chen (Yinhe Chen), Vice Presidents Cindy Ding (Huiya Ding), Yi Hua, Rachel Miao (Leimin Miao), Sai Peng and Zhuorong Liu, Assistant Presidents Justin Jia (Jian Jia) and Joy Zhou (Ying Zhou), BU General Managers Lisa Qi (Xia Qi), Allen Shi (Xu Shi), Sara Wang (Min Wang) as well as the HRBP group.
热爱 可抵岁月漫长 热爱 可越万水千山 Nothing but enthusiasm brightens up the endless years. Nothing but passion stands the test of distance.
创始人及董事长陈银河先生在文化分享中谈到,在化工供应链领域深耕25年,是因为相信这个事业是有意义的。多年来,曾有过许多兴趣,但唯一不变的,就是做这个事业。因为真心热爱,所以才能坚持,才能日复一日、年复一年加班加点地奋斗着。一念执着,一生坚守! Mr. Andy Chen, the founder and Chairman of Milkyway, shared his opinions of culture “With great faith, I have been working hard at the field of chemical supply chain for 25 years. During such a long period, lots of things have aroused my interests, however, there is only one thing that has been never changed—my career,Milkyway. It is the sincere passion that makes me persist till now, drive me to work overtime day after day, year after year. Once you have a belief, stick to it for life! “我们定会实现出发时的理想,专注主航道,全心投入,互相信任,迎难而上!”——这是我们的承诺。 “We will always remember the goal we set when depart. Focus on the main channel and all in. Trust each other and face the difficulties!” —Our Promise.
双向奔赴 一起拼 一定赢 Two-way friendship. Fight and win together.
通过团队合作找到正确的路并实现一个个目标。过程中,团队有过冲突,有过疑惑,随着不断的前进,我们最终选择了信任彼此,发挥各自优势,最后到达了终点。 Teamwork lets every group find the correct way and achieve goals. Although there were disputes and doubts on the way forward, the participants ultimately chose to trust each other, gave play to their own advantages and reached the end line.
眼中的光,驱散黑夜的暗 心中的火,点亮前行的路 The light in eyes dispels the darkness of the night. The fire in hearts lights up the way forward.
每个小组用自己的方式,讲述了自己眼中的密尔克卫,在一次次奔赴中成长,在一次次早出晚归中拼搏,有感动,有欢笑。在小伙伴朴实的陈述中,绽放出了点燃未来的力量。看似平凡的小事,却构筑了密尔克卫的根本。平凡的人成就不平凡的事! Eight groups shared the stories that happened in Milkyway in their unique way. They strived in each day’s hard work and gained progress in the meantime. There was touching and laughter. All the plain unvarnished tales empower Milkyway’s future and all the little things build the foundation of Milkyway.Ordinary people accomplish unordinary careers! 有学员说:“真诚是最长情的告白。第八组组员施传波是从基层成长起来的干部,他分享了13年来从一名叉车工走向管理岗位的心路历程,没有华丽的装饰,没有矫揉的言辞,只有脚踏实地的成长,这也正是打动我的地方。” “Sincerity is the longest-standing expression of love. The member of Gourp 8, Chuanbo Shi, is a cadre who has been promoted at the grassroots level. Chuanbo shared his experience that worked from a forklift operator to an administrator in the past 13 years. With no fancy and pretentious rhetoric, his down-to-earth efforts greatly impressed me.”, one of the participants stated.
在抗衡中突破自我 进攻是最好的防守 Breakthrough in resistance. Offense is the best defense.
作为本次培训的亮点,我们用一场重剑比赛拉开了序幕,在对抗中考验心智,在压力下寻找突破,在抗衡中抓住进攻机会。进攻,是为了在暗夜中一次次点燃希望;进攻,是为了让种子发芽,坚信奇迹会发生。密尔克卫,永不言败! As one of the highlights, the Epee Fencing Competition kicked off the culture training. Contestants test their minds, seek breakthroughs under pressure and seize offensive opportunities in the competition. Offense ignites hope in darkness time and time again; Offense germinates the seeds and beliefs make miracles happen. Milkyway will never ever give up!
一入模子 一条心 一个M 一起拼 Cadre Culture Convergency Training pulls everyone together Milkywayers always struggle and fight together
“密尔克卫,必胜、必胜、必胜!生生不息,奋斗无限!”在一句响彻长空的誓师口号后,百位M人共同迎接挑战,用25次连续颠球击打战鼓,向集团即将到来的25岁生日致敬!百人同心,可以鼓击球;万众一心,可化腐朽为神奇。一曲合唱“怒放的生命”,是向世界展示穿过火焰的密尔克卫,没有彷徨,没有迷茫,有的是挣脱一切的力量,如同浴火重生的凤凰,终将飞翔在更辽阔的天空! After the pledge slogan “Milkyway, Win, Win, Win! Never stop fighting until life stops!” resounded in the air, hundreds of Milkywayers met the challenge together and beat the drum with a ball 25 times continuously to salute and celebrate Milkyway’s 25th birthday! Hundreds of people made concerted efforts to complete the challenge and a united heart and mind can turn decayed for magical. The song “A Full Bloom” sung by everyone at the scene together revealed that in terms of Milkyway, there was neither uncertainty nor confusion, but the power to break through every difficulty, like a phoenix reborn in the fire, will eventually fly in a broader sky!
行到水穷处 坐观云起时 Walk to the end of the water Sit and watch the clouds rise
优胜团队颁奖仪式 本期培训,第二组以其优秀的组织能力、全力以赴的热情和充满活力的创造力赢得了优胜团队。在培训开始前一周,小组成员突然更换,打乱了二组组织的节奏,后迅速调整策略,总部学员利用每日中午共餐迅速熟悉彼此优劣势,讨论任务思路,再下发到分布在全国各地的学员分别完成。结果小组每个成员都有了最佳的呈现,完成了一段彼此成就的旅程。他们的口号“密尔克卫,我来守卫!”也表达了每个M人的心声。 With excellent organizing capacity, all-out enthusiasm and energetic creativity, Group 2 eventually won first place at the training and was awarded as the “Winner Team”. Only one week before the start date of the training, members of Group 2 changed unexpectedly which disrupted the rhythm of their arrangements. Even so, Group 2 then quickly adjusted the strategy. Members who worked at Jinqiao Headquarter had lunch together, briefly got familiar with each other’s advantages and disadvantages, exchanged opinions on tasks preparation and then broke down the tasks to the remaining members whose working places were outside Shanghai. As a result, every group member had the best presentation and completed a journey of mutual achievement.The slogan “Let us guard Milkyway!” also expressed every Milkywayer’s feeling. 变化是永恒的主题,不变是暂时的策略。多年在主航道的深耕细作,多年在人才培养上的投入,密尔克卫已具备了在惊涛骇浪中“泅深海,渡彼岸”的智慧和能力。 Change is the eternal theme and unchanged is the temporary strategy. With years of deep plowing in the main channel and years of investment in talent training, Milkyway has the wisdom and ability to “swim in the deep sea and cross the shore” in the turbulent waves.
夜空中最亮的星 请照亮我前行 The brightest star in the night sky Light my way ahead
董事长陈银河先生颁发明星学员奖 来自特种护理化学品事业部的总经理庄锐,以“卓越的领导力、良好的亲和力以及有颜值、有担当”的评价被学员推选为本期明星学员。庄锐改编的一首“可能”,唱出了密尔克卫人的心境,特摘选部分歌词,献给所有顽强拼搏的密尔克卫人和在暗夜中努力前行的同路人。 Given the “excellent leadership, good affinity, great temperament and commitment”, Mr. James Zhuang(Rui Zhuang), the General Manager of Special Care Chemicals BU, was selected by all the participants as the Star Member. The song “Maybe” recomposed by James expressed every Milkywayer’s feelings. It is for all the hardworking Milkywayers, who keep pushing on in the darkness. Partial lyrics are as follows: 可能金桥办公室 晚间灯火通明 可能南汇基地里 车辆进出不停 可能烟台园区中 总遇大雨狂奔 可能宁波集装箱 装满汽笛声声 可能穿越了彷徨 脚步才能坚定 可能要经历挫折 才算爱的认真 可能在成长路上 还要奋斗前行 可能一切的可能 相信才有可能 可能有梦的青春 才是最美风景 At Jinqiao office, the light is always lit up. At Nanhui Base, vehicles are constantly moving in and out. At Yantai Industrial Park, heavy rain is always running. In Ningbo, the containers are accompanied by sirens. Steps may be firm through uncertainty. Earnest love may be hidden behind setbacks. We may have to struggle to move forward on the way to growth. Maybe all the possibilities are from beliefs. Maybe the most beautiful scenery is the youth with dreams. 虽然密尔克卫集团第八期干部入模子文化培训结束了,但我们又将踏上新的征程。承载着四千名员工的希望,凝聚着四千名员工的力量,用热爱穿越暗夜,义无反顾向前奔赴! Here comes the end of the 8th cadre culture convergency training of Milkyway Group and Milkyway is now stepping on a new journey. Carrying the hope and strength of 4000 employees, Milkyway is proceeding forward with love and without hesitation!